Thursday, 26 September 2013

24th September class notes.

Classic Hollywood Narrative.

Most common structure of mainstream films.

The setup-Introduced to the characters, plot, goals, obstacles and likely future events.
The antagonist is introduced.
It engages the audience

The development- Plot complications are added to the story
Obstacles are included to stand in the way of the protagonists aim/journey.
Often includes a false resolution to the main problem.
It then continues towards an inevitable climax.

The resolution- The conflict is confronted, this is called the climax.
The hero/protagonist is usually the eventual victor.
Closure is introduced to the stories, most commonly the film will have a “Hollywood ending” and therefore the protagonists will live “happy ever after”.


Act 1
Ordinary world- (equilibrium)
Meeting the mentor- (introduced)

Act 2
Tests allies enemies
Approach the inmost cave- The hero will have to begin making preparations for the heart of the adventure, and the ordeal up ahead of him. He is now coming dangerously close to the climax of the adventure, and he shouldn’t approach unprepared.
Ordeal- (climax)

Act 3
The road back- resolution
Problem solver- elixer

Donkey Kong part 3:
2, 3, 6
Desire for Princess Peach, Donkey Kong throws obstacles, 3rd person
Cause and effect: Donkey Kongs action of kidnapping Princess ends up in Mario fighting against him.

Super Mario Seth McFarlane:
2, 6
Desire for Princess Peach, 3rd person
No resolution
Humen centered- emotions
The “no” is a disruption
Opposition and conflict

Sneeze and disease:
one sneeze leads to a line of events and illness

Batman alternate ending:
unrealistic in our world, realistic in theirs

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