Thursday, 26 September 2013

Tony lays down a beating.

How does the camera show, who is the alpha male?
Throughout the scene Tony is the tallest and biggest character showing that he has the most power throughout. The male who is beaten by Tony is shown in his bedroom and only wearing underwear suggesting his vulnerability, as this is a personal room and he is bare.
The man stands to show he is trying to regain his power and pride. This shows his masculine confidence, as he is proud to stand up and show his body.
There is dim lighting suggesting that something bad is going to happen. The camera begins to switch shots from Tony to the other man, this creates tension and tells the audience there is an awkwardness between the two. The tension could be seen as a sexual tension by some, as the camera shows them looking into each others eyes and then Tony progresses to remove his belt.
While Tony is whipping the man, the camera shows Tony from his view implying he has all the power in the shot as he is the only character present and above him.
Tony is the clear alpha male by the end of the clip.

23rd September class notes.

Class notes-
Dexter opening credits:
mystery intense
Intense person
Blood- name, mosquito, shaving, meat 
Murders murderers 
Right motives 
Camera angles- 
High angle; makes the character seem vulnerable and less powerful.

Low angle; makes the character powerful and shows the importance of the character, this can make the audience feel vulnerable. 

Over the shoulder angle; usually during an interaction/ conversation between characters, adds a focus to an important conversation.

24th September class notes.

Classic Hollywood Narrative.

Most common structure of mainstream films.

The setup-Introduced to the characters, plot, goals, obstacles and likely future events.
The antagonist is introduced.
It engages the audience

The development- Plot complications are added to the story
Obstacles are included to stand in the way of the protagonists aim/journey.
Often includes a false resolution to the main problem.
It then continues towards an inevitable climax.

The resolution- The conflict is confronted, this is called the climax.
The hero/protagonist is usually the eventual victor.
Closure is introduced to the stories, most commonly the film will have a “Hollywood ending” and therefore the protagonists will live “happy ever after”.


Act 1
Ordinary world- (equilibrium)
Meeting the mentor- (introduced)

Act 2
Tests allies enemies
Approach the inmost cave- The hero will have to begin making preparations for the heart of the adventure, and the ordeal up ahead of him. He is now coming dangerously close to the climax of the adventure, and he shouldn’t approach unprepared.
Ordeal- (climax)

Act 3
The road back- resolution
Problem solver- elixer

Donkey Kong part 3:
2, 3, 6
Desire for Princess Peach, Donkey Kong throws obstacles, 3rd person
Cause and effect: Donkey Kongs action of kidnapping Princess ends up in Mario fighting against him.

Super Mario Seth McFarlane:
2, 6
Desire for Princess Peach, 3rd person
No resolution
Humen centered- emotions
The “no” is a disruption
Opposition and conflict

Sneeze and disease:
one sneeze leads to a line of events and illness

Batman alternate ending:
unrealistic in our world, realistic in theirs

Monday, 16 September 2013

12th September class notes.

Class notes.
Mad men Peggy Olson.
Stereotypes of gender?
Woman needs help to do well in the workplace 
Dress for men
Have to stay in shape to keep a man interested as they can't keep up with men's intelligence 
The men wink, is degrading could make her feel uncomfortable
Old fashioned show with clothes, hair styles and makeup 
Men are in suits less exposed than women
Women are the secretary's for the men, the men give the orders

Does this reinforce or challenging the stereotype?
Reinforces stereotypes

Exaggerated stereotypes and sexism to show how times have changes and the immaturity of stereotypes 
Shows the comparison of now and then in the workplace 


Social groups expectations change over time 
Social norms are what the society has built into our minds that what is normal

Look for:
Character behaviour
Shouting parents 

Bad relationship between the parents
Mother and daughter bond 

Men building
Husband being aggressive towards his wife
Woman calling for the males help

Sound analysis: gets louder up to thee climax of the child being hit by the car

9th September class notes.

Class notes.
Learn to block manipulation 
"Normal" no such thing 
🙏PROMISE: by June you will notice a difference in how we think compared to how our friends think 
Clues➡ male&female➡what roles?➡what behaviours?➡any meaning behind?➡WHY?


No stereotype of female&males
Woman driving the digger,manly job because its hard and messy
Woman saves the man, and uses a gun to do so
Pink top is feminine so it's not a colour usually related to males
The other woman was very dominating to the farmer, which led to her almost being shot this may be a message that women shouldn't "step out of line"
Farmer-conquering nature 
Phalic symbol guns, woman in a silk black short dress and vulnerable 

Tv challenge stereotypes 
More than one meaning 
Metrosexual - little bit feminine little bit masculine 

What social groups could I be asked about ?
Region of country
Social class

What are the four technical areas of analysis I will have to write about?

What are the 4 steps for the framework for analysis?
Step 1- observe to find different roles of sexes and characteristics
Step 2-who is the strongest character and why
Step 3-how characters contrast each other
Step 4-are they pushing the boundaries of their social group 

Matching action practice.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Analysis of Napoleon Dynamites opening credits.

 The napoleon dynamite opening sequence sets up the films genre and main character. The frames which occur most is food, the food scenes suggest different times of the day which the beginning or the film is set, for example the packed lunch and school dinner tray implies the film is set during the day and at a school. The guess that the film is set in a school is later confirmed to the audience with the 'Preston High' ID card being taken out of a wallet, it also shows it is a high school so we assume from this that the main character will be a student from Preston High as well due to 'Napoleon Dynamite' the name of the film being on this card. 
Another card which is taken from the wallet states "U.F.O Abduction Insurance", this card suggests to the audience that the character may be stupid and therefore this shows that the film will be comical. 
Many of the scenes have childish elements in them, for example a foil object is made which is then thrown like a paper aeroplane which is an immature thing to do showing the traits of the character. The lemon sweet box is something that a child would choose to eat, as its bright colours and smiling lemons on the front would be appealing to a young child this implies that the character may be have a child like mind which shows the comical side to the film again.
Another childish element in the opening sequences is the child like drawings and the toy cars, the drawings show the creativity of the character and that he may see himself as a hero like the drawings, however the drawings are very simple which may give the audience the impression that he is also simple. The frames are also very short and simple suggesting to the audience that the film will have a simple plot and story to follow.
The library note for "Bigfoot and me" suggests the imagination of the character and that the film may also be fiction. 
Each background of the frames are different bright colours suggesting that the genre of the film and type of comedy is childish.
